
Discovery Workshop

Discovery workshop

At this stage we make sure all key stakeholders and team members come together to gather information, define objectives, and understand the current state of the organisation’s digital presence.

Stakeholder Alignment: During the workshop, we identify key stakeholders from various departments or areas of the organization who will be involved in the digital strategy development process. 

Objective Setting: Clear  and measurable objectives are defined. These may include increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, improving customer engagement, or increasing online sales.

Audience Analysis: With the organization’s target audience at hand, including demographics, preferences, behaviors, pain points, and needs. We develop audience personas or profiles to represent different segments of the target audience and guide strategy development.

Competitive Analysis: We  analyse the competitive landscape to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the organization’s digital presence. 


Digital Assets Audit: Take stock of existing digital assets and resources owned or controlled by the organization, such as websites, social media accounts, email lists, content assets, and digital tools or platforms. Assess the quality, effectiveness, and alignment of these assets with the organization’s objectives.


Data Analysis: A review of relevant data sources and analytics to gain insights into the performance of existing digital initiatives and channels like website traffic, engagement metrics, conversion rates, social media metrics, and other relevant KPIs to identify trends, patterns, and areas for optimisation.


Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and challenges that may impact the success of the digital strategy, such as technological limitations, resource constraints, competitive threats, regulatory compliance issues, or changes in market dynamics. Develop strategies to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities.

Workshop and Collaboration: Carry out workshops or brainstorming sessions with stakeholders and team members to generate ideas, and share insights.

Documentation and Reporting: All findings,  insights, and recommendations from the discovery phase are documented in a comprehensive report or presentation. 


The digital strategy discovery phase lays the foundation for the development of a comprehensive and effective digital strategy that addresses the organization’s goals, audience needs, competitive landscape, and technological capabilities. By investing time and effort in the discovery phase, organizations can ensure that their digital strategy is informed by data, insights, and stakeholder input, setting the stage for successful implementation and execution.

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